“The Tennessee Educator Acceleration Model (TEAM) is about principals and teachers working together to ensure the best possible instruction every day. Through frequent observation, constructive feedback, student data, and professional development, TEAM is designed to support all educators in doing their best work to help every student learn and grow.” (TDOE)

Administrative TEAM Training

Partial Year Exemption (PYE) and
observation cycles
- For the 2024-2025 school year, any teacher meeting either of the following two conditions must be marked as a Partial Year Exemption (PYE) in TNCompass
- New hire who starts working with students on or after October 31, 2024
- Changes of position or school on or after October 31, 2024
- It is recommended that any teacher marked as PYE be observed at least once per semester, if available.
TDOE TEAM Certification Message:
As we prepare for the launch of TEAM certification for 2024-2025, we have outlined some important dates and reminders below. Please share this email with your teacher and administrator evaluators.
· TEAM certification will open Monday, June 3, 2024.
· Re-certification will close on Saturday, August 31,2024.
· Initial certification will close on Monday, March 31,2025.
The TEAM Evaluator Certification Training courses have moved and can now be accessed in the department’s TeachALL platform [ https://openedx.tneducation.net ]. However, due to technical challenges, the credentialing process and the issuance of TASL credit through awarded badges will not happen as previously announced. For this year, we will continue with the procedures from previous years to ensure that everyone receives the necessary credentials and TASL credits.
You will access the TeachALL platform [ https://openedx.tneducation.net ] with your TDOE issued Single Sign On (SSO). For more information about SSO please visit the TN.gov website. [NOTE: Those in need of SSO Accounts please let us know at [email protected]]
Re-certification email invitations will be sent no later than Monday, June 3, 2024 to all individuals who were certified for 2023-2024. If someone has not received an email, by Tuesday, June 4, please ask them to reach out to [email protected]. They will need to include their TLN and the email they certified under for 2023-24.
Individuals who were not certified for 2023-2024 need to complete initial certification.
Evaluators will self-enroll in the initial training course. More information may be found
under the training tab on team-tn.org website.
· Initial Teacher Evaluator Certification is for those who plan to observe teachers.
· Initial Administrator Evaluator Certification is for those who plan to observe principals and assistant principals.
TASL grid emails are sent about a week following certification. These should be saved as a pdf and
uploaded to the TASL tab in TNCompass for administrators. Certificates of completion are not acceptable for TASL credit.
Most importantly, observations should only be conducted by certified observers. Conducting an observation without proper certification is grounds for a grievance.
Pre-K and Kindergarten Portfolios

2018-2019 TNCompass Update
TN Board of Education Teacher and Administrator Evaluation Policy