SSO (Single Sign On/Orion)
The following are directions to assist CMCSS employees in accessing their Single Sign On (SSO) account.
Every CMCSS teacher is set up with an SSO account at the beginning of each school year and receives an email with directions to access the Orion site. If a teacher did not follow these directions and access his or her account it is most often closed.
- Check if you have an account
- Confirm how your first and last name is currently listed on your Tennessee license
- You may confirm your name on your current license here: https://tdoe.tncompass.org/Public/Search
- Your name in PowerSchool, TNCompass, Pearson, and Orion will always be your name as it appears on your license
- If you wish to update your name you may complete a transaction in TNCompass
- Go to https://orion.tneducation.net/launcher
- Enter your user name: [email protected]
- Your first and last name in your user name must be the first and last name on your current TN license
- Enter your password
- If you do not remember your password click on ‘Forgot my password’ and follow the instructions
- Currently, it is best to click on Forgot my password when not on CMCSS Wi-Fi
- If you receive an email stating the account has been closed email [email protected] the following information and we will submit the SSO Provisioning paperwork.
- In the subject line type: SSO
- In the body of the email include the following information
- First Name (as it appears on your license)
- Middle Name or Initial (as it appears on your license)
- Last Name (as it appears on your license)
- Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYY)
- TN license number (TLN)
- School Name
- School Phone Number
- CMCSS email address
- Grade and Subject you teach
- Gender
- Confirm how your first and last name is currently listed on your Tennessee license