State Websites

The Tennessee Department of Education (TDOE) utilizes several websites in an effort to keep individuals up to date with various pieces of data. Below is a list of these sites as well as who may access each and the steps you use to gain access. The name of each site has been linked to the appropriate login page.

This site provides: Finding teacher license information, test administration manuals, state-wide testing windows, curriculum standards, sample assessment items, practice tests, TCAP tools, and resources

This site is open to all users and does not require a password to gain access.


TSBA designed the dashboard to assist local boards of education in preparing their students for relevant pathways of success and ensuring that their strategic plans are not only focused on strengthening college readiness but also career readiness. The dashboard provides district and regional labor market statistics and district demographics and academic and financial data to assist boards in their planning process.

This site provides: teachers and administrators with student data; administrators with teacher effect data; and administrators with school level data.

Current classroom teachers and assistant principals may request access through their building level principal. Only the principal has access to create an account for a single school. Current building principals may request access by contacting [email protected].

Anyone having difficulty logging in should first use the ‘Forgot username or password?’ link on the login page to try to gain access. If this link does not work: teachers and assistant principals should contact their building principal and building principals should contact [email protected].

A resource to help building principals update their EVAAS rosters and assist teachers with login issues can be found here.

Student projections can be found on Performance Matters.

This site provides: reports for TCAP, current test results, individual profile reports, labels for student records, and district/school/class level reports.

This site is restricted to school faculty. Teachers may request access from their building principal and building principals may request access from [email protected]

This site provides building testing coordinators and Test Accessibility and Accommodations (TAA) coordinators with ordering and logistics.

This site provides assessment information from the Tennessee Department of Education.
This site provides educator: observations, achievement measures, growth measures, level of effectiveness, and historical evaluation data.

All current educators, teachers, and administrators must create their own account in TNCompass. Please ensure you use your CMCSS email address as your primary email. If you have not please change it as soon as possible.

The district has no way to help individuals gain access to this site. If this is the first time you have tried to log in or if you are having difficulty logging in, please refer to pages 3 and 4 of the CMCSS TNCompass Support Manual, located here.