About Us

Our Team

Click on an individual’s name to send them an email.

Dr. Kimi Sucharski

Dr. Kimi Sucharski

Director of Accountability
(931) 553-1142
[email protected]

Dr. Karl Bittinger

Dr. Karl Bittinger

Accountability Coordinator
(931) 553-1143
[email protected]

Dr. Lauren Clark

Accountability Platform Facilitator
(931) 553-1157
[email protected]

Sherie Guye

Assessment Assistant
(931) 553-1145
[email protected]

Somer Haley

Somer Haley

Accountability Specialist
(931) 553-1141
[email protected]

Stacy Jones

Assessment Coordinator
[email protected]

Laura Nichols

Administrative Funds Coordinator
(931) 553-1125
[email protected]

Rachel Partain

Dr. Rachel Partain

Accountability Facilitator
(931) 553-1107
[email protected]

Jami Skevington

District 504 Coordinator
(931) 553-1155
[email protected]

Nicole Spencer

ESSER Accounting Specialist
(931) 553-1133
[email protected]

Corey Streeter

Student Support Specialist
(931) 553-1146
[email protected]

Email the team: [email protected]

Our offices are located at Central Services South (1312 Highway 48/13, Clarksville, TN 37040).